Annapolis, MD

Sit Means Sit Annapolis has been helping dogs and their owners in all of the Greater Annapolis Area since 2012.

We customize dog training programs specific to the needs of each dogs and goals of each individual family.

We offer puppy packages, basic obedience, behavior modification for aggression/fearful dogs, advanced obedience, and CGC & therapy dog certifications.

Our training classes are designed to successfully maximize your dog’s potential and achieve a more fulfilling dog and owner relationship. Call us today to get started with your initial training consultation for your dog!

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Shantelle Nease

Shantelle is the owner and head trainer for Sit Means Sit Annapolis, MD. She has been exclusively training dogs since Sit Means Sit Annapolis opened in 2012. She has been married to Michael since 2012 as well.

Shantelle works well in explaining the path of dog training to her clients helping to give them a better understand of their dog. Her philosophy is that training can create a better quality of life for the dog which will results in a better relationship with the owner.

Shantelle works in our office most days but also loves working with puppies, rescues and specifically our Therapy Dog Team. Shantelle is our certified CGC evaluator as well as our Certified Therapy Dog evaluator. Shantelle has successfully certified her own personal working dog “Clutch” into therapy dog work. Clutch also loves performing for a crowd, showing off his skateboarding abilities, bouncing off walls and other show stopper tricks. Shantelle is a mother of two young children who she strives to teach the responsibilities of caring and training for dogs everyday.